Civil Rights Advocate in North Charleston

Empowering Change, Advocating for Justice

We are fighting for civil rights and ensuring equal representation for the African American community in North Charleston.

Hire Lee (843) 813-1152

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5 star experience.

Advocating for Equal Representation

Lee H. Moultrie & Associates LLC is proud of the pivotal role we played in challenging the longstanding disenfranchisement of the African American community in Charleston County. In 2004, our efforts led to a landmark lawsuit against the Charleston County Council, which reached the U.S. Supreme Court. For over 50 years, the African American community had been underrepresented, and our advocacy led to a significant shift in local governance.

letter blocks that spell out justice.

A Legacy of Change and Progress

As a result of our legal victory, Charleston County transitioned from an At-Large voting system to a Single Member District system, ensuring more equitable representation for all citizens. This monumental change has had a lasting impact on the county, with the African American community now having a voice through adequately represented council members.

Hire Lee

Are you ready to take a stand for justice and equality in your community?

Connect with us today to learn how we can advocate for your civil rights.